Sabtu, 03 Agustus 2013
Some of Bali's oldest remains of prehistoric humans have been found in jembrana regency. Legend tell that sparsely populated West Bali got that way because its early inhaitants were cursed into invisibility for having violated the daughter of a powerfull priest. A rulling family related to the gelgel house was estabilished here in the mid 1400s, but a dispute among its two founders let to civil war and destruction of the court. For a while the area was considered to be a marginal part of Badung Kingdom, and prince from Sulawesi set himself up as ruler during 17th century with little problem. Karangasem nearly took Jembrana in the late 1800s, but jembrana surrendered peacefully to the ducch before rival kingdom were subdued. Most of Jembrana includes the forest, mountain, and coasts of the West bali National Park and reserve. Visitors must obtain the necessary permit and guide at the parking in cekik. Visitors might be lucky to see the rare white bali starling bird. Exelent diving and snorkling can be found around Pulau Menjangan Island, eith the Banyu Wedang hotspring nearby on the coast. Cact a ferry to Java at Gilimanuk port. Close to the district capital of negara is the temple of Gede Prancak near a river, while further east the Rambut Siwi complex has magnificent ocean views. A large fishing comunity has been estabilished at Pengambengan, and there is an exelent surfing beachMedewi. Cloves are grown on plantations in the foothills arounf Asah Duren. Bigger is better in Jemnbrana : huge bamboo xylophones of the gamelan jegog accompanies martial arts and dances. Kendang Mebarung competitions of large oversized drums are sometimes held. exiting Makepung bull race takes place in the villages of Banyubiru and Delod Brawah during the dry season. Joged Bumbung groups wiht flirtatious dancers accompanied by smaller bamboo instruments are pupular arround tegal cangkring.